
Israel Trademarks Office Issues New Circular On Trademarks and Colors

In accordance with the Patent Authority Circular – “Colored Trademark Filings” Regarding: Section 9 of The Trademarks Ordinance, (In effect since January 31, 2012):

International trademark registrations requests which a color is one of the components of the mark, sometimes include together with the symbol itself a textual description of the colors. When transferring the request from the International Bureau to Israel, for registration purposes, this description is automatically recorded in the Israel Trademarks Registry to restrict the use to these colors.

When a national or international request to register a Trademark is submitted and specific colors are part of its components, the application will be examined as limited to the colors described.In regards to Israel Madrid protocol, If the trademark was accepted for registration, even if the application didn’t include a textual description of the colors assembling the mark, it will be limited to the colors assembling the mark. If the applicant intension is to register the trademark for all colors, he must apply the registration with a Black & White mark.


